The Solution for Toe Problems: Hallux Valgus
Hallux Valgus which is also known as 'bunion' is a common foot condition that millions of people face across the globe.
Found in 23% of adults aged 18-65 years and 35.7% of adults over 65 years of age with a higher prevalence in females and those with flat feet or hammer toes. Living with Hallux Valgus can negatively impact your way of life, affecting your comfort and making it difficult to wear certain shoe without experiencing pain.
What is Hallux Valgus?
It is a progressive foot deformity in which the first joint is affected and is often accompanied by significant functional disability and foot pain.

This joint gradually moves out of its alignment and bends toward the outside edge of the foot resulting in the development of soft tissue and bony prominence on the medial side of what is called a hallux valgus (bunion).
At a late stage, these changes lead to pain and functional difficulties, including a weight shift of the toe, a late heel rise and a decreased single-limb balance.
Treatment for Hallux Valgus
Working with Ashi no Clinic (足のクリニック) based in Omotesanda, Japan, Dr. Kuwahara, the director and Tabio created the specialised toe socks to treat Hallux Valgus.
How do Hallux Valgus socks work?
Tabio developed special controlled knitting to support the big toe, pull it toward the opposite direction of hallux valgus progresses.
Knitting ball of the foot thicker to intend to put weight on them.
When your arch does not function well because of hallux valgus, you tend to be unable to put weight on ball of foot.
3D structured knitting for toe part prevent being worn away easily.
Strategically placed mesh ventilation to instep, and using Deocell® wth deodorizing / quick dry function.
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